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The Legal Representative Suits Act, 1855

( ACT NO. XII OF 1855 )

Executors may sue and be sued in certain cases for wrongs committed in life-time of deceased
1. An action may be maintained by the executors, administrators or representatives of any person deceased for any wrong committed in the time of such person, which has occasioned pecuniary loss to his estate, for which wrong an action might have been maintained by such person, so as such wrong shall have been committed within one year before his death; and the damages, when recovered, shall be part of the personal estate of such person:
and further, an action may be maintained against the executors or administrators or heirs or representatives of any person deceased for any wrong committed by him in his lifetime for which he would have been subject to an action, so as such wrong shall have been committed within one year before such person's death; and the damages to be recovered in such action shall, if recovered against an executor or administrator bound to administer according to the English law, be payable in like order of administration as the simple contract debts of such person.

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