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The Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority Act, 1980

( ACT NO. XXXVI OF 1980 )

Consultative Committee
1[6A. (1) 2[The Executive Board shall, in the discharge of its functions, be aided] and advised by a Consultative Committee which shall consist of the following members:-
(a) one member to be nominated by the Internal Resources Division from among its officers;
(b) one member to be nominated by the Ministry of Industries from among its officers;
(c) one member to be nominated by the Ministry of Commerce from among its officers;
(d) one member to be nominated by the Export Promotion Bureau from among its officers;
(e) one member to be nominated by the Finance Division from among senior bankers;
(f) one member to be nominated by the Ministry of Industries from among prominent industrialists;
(g) one member to be nominated by the Government from among industrialists of each Zone;
(h) Director General, Department of Industries, or his nominee;
(i) Division Chief (Industries), Planning Commission;
(j) Commissioner of the Division in which a Zone is situated or his nominee;
(k) Chairman of the Water Supply and Sewerage Authority within the area of which a Zone is situated;
(l) Chairman of Chittagong Port Authority or Port of Chalna Authority to be nominated by the Government;
(m) Chairman of the body, by whatever name called, responsible for the development or improvement of the urban area within which a Zone is situated;
(n) Chairman, Bangladesh Small and Cottage Industries Corporation;
(o) one member to be nominated by the Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industries;
(p) four members to be nominated by the Federation of Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industries, one from among Presidents of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of each division;
(q) one member to be nominated by the Authority from among the owners or shareholders of the enterprises set up in a Zone;
(r) one officer of the Authority to be nominated by it who shall also be the Secretary of the Consultative Committee; and
(s) such other members as may be nominated by the Government.
(2) The 3[Executive Chairman] shall ex-officio be the Chairman of the Consultative Committee.
4[(3) The meetings of the Consultative Committee shall be convened by its Chairman and shall be held at such time and place as may be determined by him.]
(4) All meetings of the Consultative Committee shall be presided over by the 5[its Chairman] or, in his absence, by a member of the 6[Executive Board authorised by him].
(5) To constitute a quorum at a meeting of the Consultative Committee not less than one third of the total number of its members shall be present.]

  • 1
    Section 6A was inserted by section 5 of the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (Amendment) Ordinance, 1984 (Ordinance No. XLIX of 1984)
  • 2
    The words and commas “The Executive Board shall, in the discharge of its functions, be aided” were substituted for the words and commas “The Authority shall, in the discharge of its functions, be added” by section 7 of the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (Amendment) Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance No. LII of 1986)
  • 3
    The words “Executive Chairman” were substituted for the words “Chairman of the Authority” by section 7 of the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (Amendment) Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance No. LII of 1986)
  • 4
    Sub-section (3) was substituted by section 7 of the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (Amendment) Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance No. LII of 1986)
  • 5
    The words “its Chairman” were substituted for the word “Chairman” by section 7 of the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (Amendment) Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance No. LII of 1986)
  • 6
    The words “Executive Board authorised by him” were substituted for the words “Authority authorised by him in this behalf” by section 7 of the Bangladesh Export Processing Zones Authority (Amendment) Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance No. LII of 1986)
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