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The Chittagong City Corporation Ordinance, 1982

( Ordinance NO. XXXV OF 1982 )

এই অধ্যাদেশটি স্থানীয় সরকার ( সিটি কর্পোরেশন ) আইন, ২০০৯ (২০০৯ সনের ৬০ নং আইন) দ্বারা রহিত করা হইয়াছে।

Chapter V


Master Plan
106. The Corporation may, and if so required by the Government, shall, draw up a Master Plan for the City which shall, among other matters, provide for -
(a) a survey of the City including its history, statistics, public services and other prescribed particulars;
(b) development, expansion, and improvement of any area within the City; and
(c) restrictions, regulations and prohibitions to be imposed with regard to the development of sites, and the erection and re-erection of buildings within the City.
Site Development Schemes
107. (1) Where a Master Plan has been drawn up under section 106 and such Master Plan has been approved, with or without any modifications by the Government, no owner of lands exceeding such area as may be specified in this behalf in the Master Plan as so approved, shall develop the site or erect or re-erect a building or any plot of land covered by the Master Plan, except in conformity with the provisions of a Site Development Scheme sanctioned for the area in the prescribed manner.
(2) Among other matters, a Site Development Scheme may provide for-
(a) the division of the site into plots;
(b) the streets, drains, and open spaces to be provided;
(c) the land to be reserved for public purposes and to be transferred to the Corporation;
(d) the land to be acquired by the Corporation;
(e) the price of plots;
(f) the works that shall be executed at the cost of the owner or owners of the site or sites; and
(g) the period during which the area shall be developed.
Execution of Site Development Schemes
108. (1) The execution of a Site Development Scheme shall be subject to the inspection and control of the Corporation, and the Corporation may give such directions with regard to the execution of the Scheme as may be necessary for the proper development of site.
(2) If any area is developed or otherwise dealt with in contravention of the provisions of the sanctioned Site Development Scheme, the Corporation may by notice require the owner of such area or the person who has contravened the provisions to make such alteration in the site as may be specified in the notice and where such alteration is not made or for any reason cannot be carried out, the Corporation may, in the prescribed manner, require and enforce the demolition of the offending structure, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any law, no compensation shall be payable for such demolition.
(3) If an area for which a Site Development Scheme has been sanctioned is not developed within the period provided in the Site Development Scheme and further extension is not allowed by the Corporation, or if the development is not in conformity with the terms of the Site Development Scheme, the Corporation may, in the prescribed manner, take over the development of the site and execute the necessary works, and the cost incurred thereon by the Corporation shall be deemed to be a tax levied on the owner or owners under this Ordinance.

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