Grants, etc., to the Funds
10. (1) To the credit of the Rural Development Fund shall be placed-
(a) grants made by the Government;
(b) loans obtained by the Board from the Government or any other source with the approval of Government;
(c) grants made to the Board by local authorities or cooperative bodies;
(d) all other sums received by the Board from any other source; and
(e) interest or other income on the above amounts.
(2) To the credit of the Special Projects Fund shall be placed-
(a) grants received from the Government or agencies approved by the Government; and
(b) loans received from the Government or agencies approved by the Government.
(3) To the credit of the Board Operating Fund shall be placed-
(a) grants obtained by the Board from the Government or agencies approved by the Government; and
(b) loans obtained by the Board from the Government or agencies approved by the Government.