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The Guardians and Wards Act, 1890

( ACT NO. VIII OF 1890 )

Chapter IV


Power of High Court Division to make rules
50. (1) In addition to any other power to make rules conferred expressly or impliedly by this Act, the High Court Division may from time to time make rules consistent with this Act-
(a) as to the matters respecting which, and the time at which, reports should be called for from Collectors and Subordinate Courts;
(b) as to the allowances to be granted to, and the security to be required from, guardians, and the cases in which such allowances should be granted;
(c) as to the procedure to be followed with respect to applications of guardians for permission to do acts referred to in sections 28 and 29;
(d) as to the circumstances in which such requisitions as are mentioned in clauses (a), (b), (c) and (d) of section 34 should be made;
(e) as to the preservation of statements and accounts delivered and exhibited by guardians;
(f) as to the inspection of those statements and accounts by persons interested;
(ff) as to the audit of accounts under section 34A, the class of persons who should be appointed to audit accounts, and the scales of remuneration to be granted to them;
(g) as to the custody of money, and securities for money, belonging to wards;
(h) as to the securities on which money belonging to wards may be invested;
(i) as to the education of wards for whom guardians, not being Collectors, have been appointed or declared by the Court; and,
(j) generally, for the guidance of the Courts in carrying out the purposes of this Act.
(2) Rules under clauses (a) and (i) of sub-section (1) shall not have effect until they have been approved by the Government, nor shall any rule under this section have effect until it has been published in the official Gazette.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs