260. Ships not to proceed on voyage from any place not designated by Government
261. Notice to be given about day of departure
262. Power to board and inspect ship
264. Special power to make rules
266. Applicability of section 254 to certain certificates
267. List of departing special trade passenger
268. List of arriving special trade passenger
270. Medical Officers and attendants
272. Penalty for failing to supply special trade passengers with prescribed provisions
273. Penalty for ship unlawfully departing or receiving passengers on board
274. Penalty for fraudulent alteration in ship after certificate obtained
275. Penalty for landing special trade passenger at a port or place other than that contracted for
276. Forwarding of passengers by Bangladesh Consular Officers
277. Recovery of expenses incurred in forwarding passengers
278. Information to be sent to ports of embarkation and disembarkation
279. Information sent under section 278, etc. to be admissible in evidence
280. Additional provisions for special trade passenger ships carrying pilgrims
281. Bond where special trade passenger ship is to carry pilgrims on outward voyage
282. Medical inspection and permission required before embarkation of pilgrims
283. Medical inspection after embarkation in certain cases
284. Return passage to be secured
285. Issue or production of tickets
286. Refund of deposits and passage money
287. Unclaimed deposits and passage money to vest in Government
289. Notice of proceeding of special trade passenger ship carrying pilgrims on voyage
290. Compensation for delay in departing or proceeding on voyage