415. Shipping casualties and report thereof
416. Preliminary inquiry into shipping casualties
417. Judicial Inquiry by Court
418.Power of Court to inquire into charges against masters, mates and engineers
419. Power of Government to direct inquiry into charges of incompetency or misconduct
420. Person accused to be heard
421. Power of Court as to evidence and regulation of proceedings
423. Power to arrest witnesses and enter ships, etc.
424. Power to commit for trial and bind over witnesses
425. Report by Court to Government
426. Investigation into causes of explosion or fire on board ship, etc.
427. Provisions of this Chapter to apply to certain other vessels
428. Convening of Marine Boards outside Bangladesh
429. Constitution and procedure of a Marine Board
430. Decision of Marine Board to be by majority
432. Penalty for obstructing proceedings before Marine Board
434. Power of Government to cancel or suspend certificate of master, mate or engineer
435. Delivery of cancelled or suspended certificates
436. Effect of cancellation or suspension of certificate
437. Suspended certificates not to be endorsed
438. Power of Government to cancel or suspend other certificates
440. Power of Government to revoke cancellation, etc.
441. Power of Government to censure master, mate or engineer
444. Constitution of Court of Survey
445. Powers and procedure of Court of Survey
446. Power of Government to make rules with respect to Court of Survey