Chapter 19
Return to be furnished
258. (1) The master of every ship, whether a Bangladesh ship or a foreign ship which carries any passenger to a place in Bangladesh from a place out of Bangladesh or from any place in Bangladesh to any place out of Bangladesh, shall furnish to such person and in such manner as the Government directs, a return giving the total number of passengers so carried, distinguishing, if so directed by the Government, the total number of any class of passengers so carried, and giving, if the Government directs, such particulars with respect to passengers as may for the time being be required.
(2) Every passenger shall furnish the master of the ship with any information required of him for the purpose of the return.
(3) If the master of a ship fails to make a return as required by this section, or makes a false return, and if any passenger refuses to give any information required by the master of the ship for the purpose of the return required by this section, or gives any false information for the purpose, the master or as the case may be, the passenger shall be liable for each offence to a fine not exceeding five thousand Taka.
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