Chapter 20
Penalty for ship unlawfully departing or receiving passengers on board
273. (1) If a special trade passenger ship departs or proceeds on a voyage from or lands special trade passengers at any port or place within Bangladesh in contravention of the provisions of this Chapter, or if a person is received as a special trade passenger on board any such ship in contravention of any such provision, the master or owner shall, for every special trade passenger carried in the ship, or for every special trade passenger so landed or received on board, be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months, or with a fine which may extend to five thousand Taka, or with both:
Provided that the aggregate term of imprisonment awarded under this section shall not exceed two years.
(2) The Collector of Customs, if he has reasonable grounds to believe that the master or owner of a ship has incurred any penalty under sub section (1), may seize and detain the ship, whenever found in any port or place within Bangladesh, until the penalties so incurred have been adjudicated and the payment of the fines, if any, imposed on the master or owner, with all costs, has been enforced.
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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs