Chapter 20
Unclaimed deposits and passage money to vest in Government
287. (1) All deposits made under section 284, which have been unclaimed for the prescribed period shall vest in the Government.
(2) If any pilgrim entitled to a refund of passage money under sub section (1) of section 286, does not claim such refund within the prescribed period, or if any pilgrim who has purchased a return ticket does not, on the basis of such ticket, obtain a return passage from the Hedjaz within the prescribed period and half the passage money has not been refunded under sub section (2) or sub section (3) or sub section (4) of section 286, such passage money or, as the case may be, half the passage money shall vest in the Government.
(3) Unclaimed deposits and passage money vesting in the Government under sub section (1) or sub section (2) shall be made over to such authority administering any fund maintained for the assistance of pilgrims as the Government may, by general or special order, designate in this behalf.
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