Power to make rules
293. (1) The Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, make rules to carry out the purposes of this Chapter.
(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:-
(a) the basic scale on which, and the manner in which, food and water are to be supplied to pilgrims, and the quality of such food and water;
(b) the kinds of food to be provided for pilgrims on payment, in addition to the food to be supplied in accordance with the basic scale;
(c) the nature and the extent of the hospital accommodation and the medical stores, disinfectants, and other appliances and fittings to be provided on board free of charge to pilgrims for maintaining health, cleanliness and decency;
(d) the form of the statements to be furnished by the master under sections 267 and 268 and the particulars to be entered therein;
(e) the appointment of Medical Officers and other attendants in cases where they are required by this Chapter to be carried;
(f ) the manner in which contaminated articles shall be disinfected before being taken on board a pilgrim ship;
(g) the manner in which deposits shall be made for the purposes of section 284, and any matter in respect of which provision is, in the opinion of the Government, necessary or expedient for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of that section;
(h) the supply of tickets to intending pilgrims, the form of such tickets and the conditions and other matters to be specified thereon;
(i) the refund of deposits and passage money under section 286 and the manner in which persons shall be nominated under that section for the purpose of entitling them to a refund;
(j) the period after which unclaimed passage money and deposits liable to be refunded shall vest in the Government and the purposes to which sums so vested shall be applied;
(k) the manner in which the proposed date of departure or proceeding on voyage shall be advertised under section 289, and manner in which payment shall be made under section 290 to pilgrims and to the Port Hajj Officer; and the procedure to be followed by masters, owners or agents and by Port Hajj Officers and Magistrates in proceedings under that section;
(l) the local limits within which, and the time and mode at and in which, pilgrims shall be received on board or disembarked at any port or place appointed under this Chapter in that behalf.
(3) If the master or a Medical Officer, if any, of a ship carrying pilgrims, without reasonable cause, the burden of proving which shall lie upon him, contravenes, or omits or neglects to comply with, any rule under this Chapter, he shall, for each offence, be punishable with a fine which may extend to twenty thousand Taka.