Rules as to life saving and fire appliances, etc.
299. (1) The Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, make rules prescribing the life saving appliances and fire appliances to be carried by every Bangladesh ship going to sea.
(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:-
(a) the arranging of ships into classes, having regard to the services in which they are employed, the nature and duration of the voyage and the number of persons carried;
(b) the number, description, mode of construction of the boats, life rafts, line throwing appliances, life jackets, life buoy and buoyant apparatus to be carried by ships according to the classes in which the ships are arranged;
(c) the equipment to be carried by any such boats and rafts and the method to be provided to get the boats and other life saving appliances into the water, including oil for use in stormy weather;
(d) the provision in ships of a proper supply of lights and smoke signals inextinguishable in water and fitted for attachment to life buoys;
(e) the position and means of securing the boats, life rafts, life-jackets, life buoys and buoyant apparatus;
(f ) the marking of boats, life rafts and buoyant apparatus so as to show their dimensions and the number of person authorised to be carried on them;
(g) the manning of life boats and the qualifications and certificates of life-boatmen;
(h) the provision to be made for mustering the persons on board and for embarking them in the boats, including provisions for the lighting of, and the means of ingress to and egress from, different parts of the ship;
(i) the provision of suitable means situated outside the engine room whereby any discharge of water into the boats can be prevented;
(j) the assignment of specific duties to each member of the crew in case of emergency;
(k) the methods to be adopted and the appliances to be carried in ships for the prevention, detection and extinction of fire;
(l) the provision in ships of plans and other information relating to the means of preventing, detecting, controlling and extinguishing outbreaks of fire;
(m) the practice in ships of boat drills and fire drills;
(n) the provision in ships of means of making effective distress signals by day and by night;
(o) the provision in ships, engaged on voyages in which pilots are likely to be embarked, of suitable pilot ladders, and of ropes, lights and other appliances designed to make the use of such ladders safe;
(p) the periodical examination and maintenance of any appliances or equipment required by any rules made under this Ordinance to be carried by ships;
(q) the manner in which a notice given under sub section (2) of section 300 shall be communicated to the Collector of Customs; and
(r) the charging of fees for the grant of the certificate referred to in sub-section (3) of section 300, the amount of such fees, and the manner in which they shall be recoverable.