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The Bangladesh Merchant Shipping Ordinance, 1983

( Ordinance NO. XXVI OF 1983 )

Chapter 26


Provisions relating to Load Line Certificates of ships other than Bangladesh ships
343. (1) The provisions of this Part relating to the issue, effect, duration, renewal and cancellation of Bangladesh Load Line Certificates shall apply to ships other than Bangladesh ships as they apply to Bangladesh ships subject to the following modifications, namely:-
(a) any such certificate may be issued in respect of any such ship as in respect of a Bangladesh ship provided that any such certificate issued in respect of a ship of one hundred and fifty tons gross or upwards belonging to a country to which the Load Line Convention applies shall only be valid so long as the ship is not plying on voyages from or to any port or place in Bangladesh to or from any port or place outside Bangladesh, and shall be endorsed with a statement to that effect and shall be cancelled by the Government if it has reason to believe that the ship is so plying; and
(b) the survey required for the purpose of seeing whether the certificate should remain in force shall take place when required by the Government.
(2) If the Government is satisfied-
(a) that provision has been made for the fixing, marking and certifying of load lines by the law in force in any country outside Bangladesh with respect to ships or any class or description of ship of that country and has also been so made or has been agreed to be so made for recognising Bangladesh Load Line Certificates as having the same effect in ports or places of that country as certificates issued under the said provisions; and
(b) that the said provision for the fixing, marking and certifying of load lines is based on the same principles as the corresponding provisions of this Part relating to load lines and is equally effective,
it may, by notification in the official Gazette, direct that Load Line Certificates issued in pursuance of the said provision or in respect of ships of that class or description of ships of that country, shall have the same effect for the purpose of this Part as Bangladesh Load Line Certificates:
Provided that such direction shall not apply to ships of one hundred and fifty tons gross or upwards belonging to countries
to which the Load Line Convention applies, if such ships are engaged in plying on voyages from or to any port or place in Bangladesh to or from any port or place outside Bangladesh.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs