Certificate of Inspection
409. (1) No sailing vessel shall proceed to sea unless a Certificate of Inspection applicable to the intended voyage is in force.
(2) A Certificate of Inspection in respect of a sailing vessel shall specify-
(a) the name and tonnage of the vessel;
(b) the names of the owner and skipper of the vessel;
(c) the minimum number of the crew and the maximum number of passengers that may be carried;
(d) the limits within which the vessel may be used for the purposes of trading;
(e) the particulars of the free board assigned to the vessel;
(f) the particulars of life saving and fire appliances, and lights and shapes, and the means of making fog and distress signals carried on board,
and shall contain a statement to the effect that her hull, rigging and equipment, including auxiliary machinery, if any, are in good condition.
(3) A Certificate of Inspection shall be in force for one year or for such shorter period as may be specified therein:
Provided that the Government, or any person authorised by it in this behalf, may grant an extension of any certificate issued under this Chapter in respect of a Bangladesh ship of a period not exceeding one month from the date on which the Certificate would but for such extension, have expired, or if the ship is absent from Bangladesh on that date, for a period not exceeding five months from that date.
(4) The Collector of Customs shall not grant a port clearance until after the production of a Certificate of Inspection in respect of the vessel.
(5) Where at any time after the issue of a Certificate of Inspection in respect of a sailing vessel, the Government has reason to believe that the vessel is not fit to ply or proceed to sea, it may, after giving the owner an opportunity of making a representation, cancel such certificate.
(6) Where at any time after the issue of a Certificate of Inspection a sailing vessel has undergone material alteration or has met with an accident or, where the Certificate of Inspection of a sailing vessel has been cancelled under sub- section (5) and an application is made for the re issue of such certificate or for the grant of a fresh certificate, the Registrar may, before re issuing the certificate or issuing a fresh certificate, as the case may be, cause such vessel to be inspected; and if the authority inspecting the vessel reports that she is not fit to proceed to sea or that her hull, rigging and equipment, including auxiliary machinery, if any, are defective, such certificate shall not be re issued or issued until the vessel is, in the opinion of such authority, fit to proceed to sea or the defect is rectified to the satisfaction of such authority.