Power of Government to revoke cancellation, etc.
440. (1) The Government may, in any case ordered to be re heard under section 439, on receipt of the report of re hearing, and in any case not so ordered, at any time, if it thinks that the justice of the case so requires,-
(a) revoke any order of cancellation or suspension made by it under section 434, or set aside any order of suspension made by a Marine Board under clause (b) of sub section (2) of section 431; or
(b) shorten or lengthen the period of suspension ordered by it under section 434, or by a Marine Board under the aforesaid clause; or
(c) re issue the certificate or grant in lieu thereof a certificate of a lower grade, in the ease of any certificate cancelled or suspended by it under section 434, or suspended by a Marine Board under the aforesaid clause:
Provided that no order under clause (b) lengthening the period of suspension of a certificate shall be passed unless the person concerned has been given an opportunity of making a representation against the order proposed.
(2) A Certificate granted under clause (c) of sub section (1) shall have the same effect as if it had been granted after examination.