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The Bangladesh Merchant Shipping Ordinance, 1983

( Ordinance NO. XXVI OF 1983 )

Chapter 38


Claims of owners to wreck
460. (1) The owner of any wreck in the possession of the Receiver of Wreck upon establishing his claim to the same to the satisfaction of the Receiver within six months from the time at which the wreck came into the possession of the Receiver shall, upon paying the salvage and other charges, be entitled to have the wreck or the proceeds thereof delivered to him.
(2) Where any articles belonging to or forming part of a vessel, other than a Bangladesh ship, which has been wrecked on or near the coasts of Bangladesh or belonging to and forming part of the cargo of such vessel, are found on or near the coasts of Bangladesh or are brought into any port or place in Bangladesh, the Consular Officer of the country in which the vessel is registered or, in the case of cargo, the country to which the owners of the cargo may have belonged to, shall, in the absence of the owner and of the master or other agent of the owner, be deemed to be the agent of the owner, with respect to the custody and disposal of the articles.
(3) Where the owner of the wreck does not appear and claim the balance of the proceeds of sale within six months from the date of sale, the said balance shall vest in the Government.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs