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The Bangladesh Merchant Shipping Ordinance, 1983

( Ordinance NO. XXVI OF 1983 )

Chapter 38


Disposal of unclaimed wreck
465. Where no owner established a claim to any wreck found in Bangladesh and in the possession of a Receiver of Wreck within six months after it came into his possession, the wreck shall be dealt with as follows, that is to say,-
(a) if the wreck is claimed by any person who has delivered a statement under section 464, to the Receiver and has proved to the satisfaction of the Receiver his title to receive unclaimed wreck found in the place where that wreck was found, the wreck, after payment of all expenses, costs, fees, and salvage due in respect thereof, shall be delivered to him;
(b) if the wreck is not claimed by any such person as aforesaid, the Receiver shall sell the same and shall pay to the Government the proceeds of the sale, after deduction therefrom, the expenses of the sale, and any other expenses incurred by him, and his fees, and paying thereout to the salvers such amount of salvage as the Government may in each case, or by any general rule, determine.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs