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The Bangladesh Unani and Ayurvedic Practitioners Ordinance, 1983

( Ordinance NO. XXXII OF 1983 )

Chapter VIII


Grants, aids and fees received by the Board
38. All moneys received by the Board as fees shall be applied for the purposes of the Board in accordance with the rules made under this Ordinance.
Death of registered practitioners
39. Every person-in-charge of registration of deaths shall, on receiving notice of the death of a registered practitioner, forthwith transmit by post to the Registrar a certificate under his own hand of such death with the particulars of time and place of death and may charge from the Registrar the cost of such certificate and transmission as an expense of his office.
40. No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall be instituted against any person for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done under this Ordinance or the rules or regulations made thereunder.
Power to make rules
41. (1) The Government may, after consulting the Board, by notification in the official Gazette, make rules to carry out the purposes of this Ordinance.
(2) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:-
(a) the time and place at which and the manner in which elections shall be held;
(b) the manner in which vacancies shall be filled;
(c) the form of register and the particulars to be entered therein;
(d) fees chargeable for the registration, alteration in the register regarding additional qualifications and alteration of other entries in the register;
(e) the purposes for which the fees received by the Board shall be applied.
Power to make regulations
42. The Board may, with the approval in writing of the Government, make regulations not inconsistent with this Ordinance or the rules made thereunder for the following matters, namely:-
(a) courses of study for training and qualifying examinations;
(b) languages in which examinations shall be conducted and instruction given;
(c) admission of students to recognised institutions;
(d) the conditions under which candidates shall be admitted to different courses and the qualifying and other examinations;
(e) the conditions of appointment of examiners and conduct of examinations;
(f) the conditions for the appointment of teachers in recognised institutions;
(g) the requirements for the recognition of teaching institutions;
(h) the time and place at which the Board shall hold its meetings;
(i) such other matters as may be necessary for the exercise of powers and performance of functions to be exercised or performed by the Board under this Ordinance and the rules made thereunder.
Repeal and Savings
43. (1) The Unani, Ayurvedic and Homoeopathic Practitioners Act, 1965 (II of 1965), hereinafter referred to as the said Act, in so far as it relates to the Board of Unani and Ayurvedic Systems of Medicine established thereunder, hereinafter referred to as the defunct Board, is hereby repealed.
(2) Upon the repeal of the said Act,-
(a) all assets, rights, powers, authorities and privileges, and all properties, movable and immovable, cash and bank balances and fund of the defunct Board in Bangladesh and all other interests and rights in, or arising out of, such property shall stand transferred to, and vested in, the Board;
(b) all debts, liabilities and obligations of the defunct Board in Bangladesh shall be the debts, liabilities and obligation of the Board;
(c) all suits and other legal proceedings instituted by or against the defunct Board in Bangladesh shall be deemed to have been instituted by or against the Board;
(d) all officers and employees of the defunct Board in Bangladesh shall, notwithstanding anything contained in any contract or agreement or in the terms and conditions of service, stand transferred to the Board and shall be deemed to be officers and other employees of the Board appointed by it on the same terms and conditions of service as were applicable to them in the defunct Board unless such terms and conditions are altered, not being to their disadvantage, by the Board;
(e) every Unani and Ayurvedic practitioner registered under the said Act shall be deemed to be registered under this Ordinance.

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