The Marine Fisheries Ordinance, 1983

( Ordinance NO. XXXV OF 1983 )

এই অধ্যাদেশ সামুদ্রিক মৎস্য (Marine Fisheries) আইন, ২০২০ (২০২০ সনের ১৯ নং আইন) দ্বারা রহিত করা হইয়াছে।

An Ordinance to make provisions for the management, conservation and development of marine fisheries of Bangladesh.

WHEREAS it is expedient to provide for the management, conservation and development of marine fisheries in the Bangladesh fisheries waters and to deal with certain matters connected therewith;
NOW, THEREFORE, in pursuance of the Proclamation of the 24th March, 1982, and in exercise of all powers enabling him in that behalf, the Chief Martial Law Administrator is pleased to make and promulgate the following Ordinance:



1. Short title and commencement

2. Definitions

3. Provisions regarding non mechanised local fishing vessels and local fishing vessels with limited horsepower

4. Government may appoint Director and other fisheries officers

5. Director responsible for management, etc.

6. Delegation of powers

7. Types, classes and numbers of fishing vessels

8. Director to issue licences

9. Application for licences

10. Validity of licences

11. Licences not transferable except with written permission

12. When licence held by any local fishing vessel ceases to be valid

13. Matters for which licence is valid

14. Duty to provide information regarding catches

15. Fishing vessels not to interfere with navigation

16. Licence to be subject to certain conditions

17. Local fishing vessels to be registered

18. Local fishing vessels to hold valid certificate of inspection

19. Grounds for refusing to issue licences, etc., to local fishing vessels

20. No entry for foreign fishing vessels in Bangladesh fisheries waters except with licence

21. Entry by unlicensed foreign fishing vessels into Bangladesh Fisheries waters

22. Foreign fishing vessels liable to fine and forfeiture if found in Bangladesh fisheries waters illegally

23. Foreign fishing vessels to observe navigation, customs laws, etc.

24. Grounds for refusing to issue licence, etc., to foreign fishing vessels

25. Appeal

26. Use of explosives, etc.

27. Small meshes, etc.

28. Government may declare marine reserves

29. Fishing, dredging, etc., prohibited in marine reserves

30. Government may permit scientific research

31. Authorised officers

32. An authorised officer may stop, examine, etc., any fishing vessel

33. Authorised officer may enter premises, seize vessels, etc., without warrant

34. Power to stop vessels

35. Vessel and crew to be taken to nearest port

36. Persons arrested without warrant to be taken to police station

37. Authorised officer not to enter dwelling houses without warrant

38. Perishables may be sold by Director

39. Authorised officers required to produce identification

40. No action against authorised officer for acts done in good faith

41. Obstruction of authorised officer, etc.

42. Wilful damage of fishing vessels, etc.

43. Contravention of conditions of licence.

44. Destruction to avoid seizure or detection.

45. Failure to mark vessel

46. Skipper liable for offences committed by persons on board the vessel

47. Compounding of offences

48. Forfeiture of vessels etc., seized

49. Court may order forfeiture in addition to any other penalty imposed

50. Vessels, etc., forfeited may be disposed of by the Government

51. Fish found on board a fishing vessel committing an offence presumed to be caught illegally

52. Offences triable as if committed within limits of local jurisdiction

53. Service of documents

54. Special powers for Magistrates

55. Power to make rules