Grounds for refusing to issue licences, etc., to local fishing vessels
19. The Director may, by order in writing, refuse to issue a licence in respect of a local fishing vessel, or he may likewise suspend, cancel or refuse to renew any licence that has been issued in respect of a local fishing vessel, where he is satisfied that-
(a) it is necessary to do so in order to allow for the proper management, conservation and development of any particular fishery in accordance with any fisheries management, conservation and development plan; or
(b) it is otherwise in the best interest of marine fisheries industry to do so; or
(c) the vessel in respect of which the licence has been issued has been used in contravention of the provisions of this Ordinance or of any rules made thereunder or of any conditions of the licence; or
(d) the person applying for or holding the licence is unfit to hold a licence.
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