2. In this Ordinance, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,-
(1) “annual letting value” means the annual rent at which a building or land exclusive of furniture or machinery contained or situated therein or thereon may reasonably be expected to be let from year to year, and shall include all payments made or agreed to be made by a tenant to the owner of the building or land on account of occupation, taxes, insurance or other charges incidental to the occupancy;
(2) “budget” means an official statement of the income and expenditure of the Corporation for a financial year;
(3) “building” includes any shop, house, hut, outhouse, shed, stable or enclosure built of any material and used for any purpose, and also includes a wall, well, verandah, platform, plinth and steps;
(4) “building line” means a line beyond which the outer face of any part of an external wall of a building may not project in the direction of any street, existing or proposed;
(5) “by laws” means by laws made under this Ordinance;
(6) “casual vacancy” means a vacancy occurring otherwise than by efflux of time;
(7) “Chief Executive Officer” means the Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation;
(8) “City of Dhaka” or “City” means the area described in the First Schedule;
(9) “Commissioner” means a Commissioner of the Corporation;
(10) “Conservancy” means the removal and disposal of refuse;
(11) “Corporation” means the Dhaka [City] Corporation constituted under this Ordinance;
(12) “Corporation Fund” means the fund of the Corporation;
(13) “dairy” includes any farm, cattle shed, cow house, milk store, milk-shop, or other place from where milk or milk products are supplied for sale;
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(15) “drain” includes a sewer, a house drain, a drain of any other description, a tunnel, a culvert, a ditch, a channel and any other device for carrying of sullage or rain water;
(16) “drug” means any substance used as medicine or in the composition or preparation of medicine, whether for internal or external use;
(17) “dwelling house” means any building used or adopted to be used wholly or principally for human habitation;
(18) “Election Commission” means the Election Commission for Bangladesh;
(19) “erect or re-erect a building” means the construction of a new building and includes such material alterations of a building as may be prescribed;
(20) “factory” has the meaning assigned to it under the Factories Act, 1965 (E.P. Act IV of 1965);
(21) “food” includes every article used for food or drink by human beings, other than drugs or water, and any article which ordinarily enters into or is used in the composition or preparation of human food; and also includes confectionery, flavouring and colouring matters and spices and condiments;
(22) “function” includes powers and duties;
(23) “improvement trust” means any body or authority, including a development authority, entrusted with the functions of town improvement;
(24) “infectious disease” means any disease which may be transmitted from one person to another and declared as such by the Government by notification in the official Gazette;
(25) “land” includes land which is being built upon, or is built upon or is covered with water;
(26) “market” means a place where persons assemble for the sale and pur┬¼chase of any commodity;
(27) “Mayor” means the Mayor of the Corporation;
(28) “nuisance” includes any act, omission, place of thing which causes or is likely to cause injury, danger, annoyance or offence to the sense of sight, smell or hearing or which is or may be dangerous to life or injuries to health or property;
(29) “occupier” includes an owner in actual occupation of his own land or building and also any person for the time being paying or liable to pay to the owner the rent or any portion of the rent of the land or building in respect of which the word is used;
(30) “owner” includes the person for the time being receiving the rent of land and building, or either of them whether on his own account or as agent or trustee for any person or society or for any religious or charitable purpose or who would so receive the same if land or building were let to a tenant;
(31) “prescribed” means prescribed by rules made under this Ordinance;
(32) “public place” means any building, premises or place to which the public have access;
(33) “public street” means a street maintained by the Government;
(34) “refuse” includes rubbish, offal, night soil, carcasses of animals, deposits of sewerage, waste and any other offensive matter;
(35) “regulations” means regulations made under this Ordinance;
(36) “rent” means whatever is lawfully payable in money or kind by a tenant or lessee on account of the occupation of any building or land;
(37) “rate” means a levy specified in item numbers 13, 14, 15 and 16 of the Second Schedule;
(38) “rules” means rules made under this Ordinance;
(39) “street line” means a line dividing the land comprised in, and forming part of, a street from the adjoining land;
(40) “sullage” includes sewerage, polluted water, rain water, and any other offensive matter carried by a drain;
(41) “tax” includes any toll, cess, fee, or other impost leviable under this Ordinance;
(42) “vehicle” means a wheeled conveyance capable of being used on a street;
(43) “water work” includes a lake, stream, spring, well, pump, reservoir, cistern, tank, duct, sluice, pipe, culvert, engine and other appliances and anything for supplying or used for supplying water; and
(44) “ward” means a ward delimited for the purpose of election of a Commissioner.