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The Dhaka City Corporation Ordinance, 1983

( Ordinance NO. XL OF 1983 )

Chapter I


Declaration of properties
8. 1[The Mayor and every Commissioner 2[* * *] shall, before entering upon his office or taking his seat,] submit to the Government in such manner as the Government may direct, a declaration in writing of properties, both movable and immovable, whether within or outside Bangladesh, which he or any member of his family owns, or which he has in his possession or under his control, or in which he or any member of his family has any beneficial interest.
Explanation.- In this section, “member of his family”, in relation to a person, includes-
(a) the spouse of such person, and
(b) such of the children, parents, brothers and sisters as reside with and are wholly dependent upon such person.

  • 1
    The words and commas “The Mayor and every Commissioner, other than official Commissioner, shall, before entering upon his office or taking his seat,” were substituted for the words and commas “Every Commissioner other than official Commissioners, shall, before taking his seat, ” by section 6 of the Dhaka Municipal Corporation (Amendment) Ordinance, 1986 (Ordinance No. LIII of 1986).
  • 2
    The commas and words “, other than official Commissioner,” were omitted by section 9 of the Dhaka City Corporation (Amendment) Act, 1993 (Act No. VIII of 1993)
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