Removal of Mayor and Commissioners
[10. (1) The Mayor or a Commissioner shall render himself liable to removal from his office or seat, as the case may be, if-
(a) he, without reasonable excuse, absents himself from three consecutive meetings of the Corporation; or
(b) he is involved in any activity prejudicial to the interest of the Corporation or of the state or is convicted for any offence relating to corruption or misconduct; or
(c) he refuses to perform or becomes disabled from performing his functions; or
(d) he is guilty of misconduct or abuse of power or is responsible for any loss or misapplication of money or property of the Corporation.
Explanation. In this sub section, “misconduct” means misuse of powers, corruption, jobbery, favouritism, nepotism and wilful maladministration and includes any attempt at, or abetment of, such misconduct.
(2) The Mayor or a Commissioner shall not be removed from his office or seat, as the case may be, on any ground mentioned in sub section (1), unless, after such inquiry as may be considered necessary, the Government declares, by an order in writing, that he is liable to be so removed:
Provided that no such declaration shall be made unless the Mayor or Commissioner concerned has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the declaration proposed to be made with respect to him.
(3) The Mayor or the Commissioner shall stand removed from his office or seat, as the case may be, as soon as a declaration under sub section (2) is made and approved by the President.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other provisions of this Ordinance, a person who has been removed from his office or seat, as the case may be, under this section shall not, during the unexpired period of the term of the Corporation, be eligible for election to such office or seat.]