Constitution of Standing Committees
31. (1) The Corporation shall, at its first meeting, in each year, or as soon as may be at any meeting subsequent thereto, constitute Standing Committees for dealing respectively with¬-
(a) Finance and Establishment;
(b) Education;
(c) Health, Family Planning and Sanitation including Drainage;
(d) Town Planning and Improvement;
(e) Audit and Accounts;
(f ) Works and Buildings;
(g) Water and Electricity; and
(h) Social Welfare and Community Centres.
(2) The Corporation may, with the previous approval of the Government, constitute additional Standing Committees for such purpose as the Corporation thinks fit.
(3) A Standing Committee shall consist of not more than six members who shall be elected by the Commissioners from amongst themselves, but no Commissioner shall, at the same time be a member of more than two Standing Committees:
Provided that the Mayor [* * *] shall ex officio be [member] of all the Standing Committees.
(4) A Standing Committee shall elect one of its members to be its Chairman and another member to be its Vice-Chairman.
(5) An elected Chairman or Vice Chairman or member of a Standing Committee may resign his office by writing under his hand addressed to the Mayor and such resignation shall become effective on the date on which the notice is received by the Mayor.
(6) A casual vacancy in the office of an elected Chairman or Vice-Chairman or member of a Standing Committee shall be filled by election of a new Chairman or Vice Chairman or member and such Chairman or Vice-Chairman or member shall hold office for the residue of the term of his predecessor.
(7) A Standing Committee shall continue to function until the first meeting of the Standing Committee constituted to succeed it.