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The Dhaka City Corporation Ordinance, 1983

( Ordinance NO. XL OF 1983 )

Chapter II


Private sources of water-supply
87. (1) All private sources of water supply within the City shall be subject to control, regulation and inspection by the Corporation.
(2) No new well, water-pump or any other source of water for drinking purposes shall be dug, constructed or provided except with the sanction of the Corporation.
(3) The Corporation may by notice require the owner or any person having the control of any private source of water-supply used for drinking purposes-
(a) to keep the same in good order and to clear it from time to time of silt, refuse and decaying matter;
(b) to protect the same from contamination in such manner as the Corporation may direct; and
(c) if the water therein is proved to the satisfaction of the Corporation to be unfit for drinking purposes, to take such measures as may be specified in the notice to prevent the use of such water for drinking purposes.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs