Drainage Schemes
89. (1) The Corporation may, and if so required by the Government shall, prepare a Drainage Scheme in the prescribed manner for the construction of drains at public and private expense, and other works for the effective drainage and disposal of sullage.
(2) A Drainage Scheme prepared under sub-section (1) shall be submitted for approval to the Government, which may approve it, reject it, or approve it subject to such modifications as it may deem fit.
(3) The Drainage Scheme as approved by the Government shall be executed and implemented in such manner, within such period and by such authority as may be specified by the Government.
(4) The Corporation may by notice require the owner of any building or land within the City-
(a) to construct such drains within the building or land or the street adjoining such building or land as may be specified in the notice;
(b) to remove, alter or improve any such drains; and
(c) to take such other steps for the effective drainage of the building or land as may be so specified.