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The Dhaka City Corporation Ordinance, 1983

( Ordinance NO. XL OF 1983 )

Chapter III


By-laws for articles of food and drink
95. The Corporation may by by-laws-
(a) prohibit the manufacture, sale or preparation, or the exposure for sale, of any specified article of food or drink in any place or premises not licensed by the Corporation;
(b) prohibit the import into the City for sale, or the sale, or the hawking for sale, of any specified article of food or drink by person not so licensed;
(c) prohibit the hawking of specified articles of food and drink in such parts of the City as may be specified;
(d) regulate the time and manner of transport within the City of any specified article of food or drink;
(e) regulate the grant and withdrawal of licences under this section and the levying of fees therefor; and
(f) provide for the seizure and disposal of any animal, poultry or fish intended for food which is diseased, or any article of food or drink which is noxious.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs