এই আইন বাংলাদেশ হোমিওপ্যাথিক চিকিৎসা শিক্ষা আইন, ২০২৩ (২০২৩ সনের ৬৩ নং আইন) দ্বারা রহিত করা হইয়াছে।
3. Establishment and incorporation of Board
5. Terms of office of Chairman and members
7. Vacancies not to invalidate proceedings of the Board
8. Resignation from membership
9. Power of Government to nominate members in certain circumstances
11. Disqualification of members
15. Officers of the Board and their terms and conditions of service
16. Recognition of institutions
17. Recognised Homoeopathic Institutions
18. Maintenance of standard of efficiency
21. Qualification for admission
24. Controller of Examinations
26. Registration of practitioners
27. Listing of certain Homoeopaths
28. Removal from register, etc.
29. Cancellation or alteration of entries in register, etc.
30. Maintenance of register, etc.
32. Intimation of change of address
33. Privileges of registered practitioners
37. Persons not registered under this Ordinance not to practise, etc.
38. Colourable imitation of degree
39. Prohibition against use of title, description, etc.
41. Cognizance of offence, etc.
43. Grants, aids, fees, etc., received by the Board
44. Death of a registered or listed practitioner