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The Railways Act, 1890

( ACT NO. IX OF 1890 )

Chapter III


Accommodation works
11. (1) The railway administration shall make and maintain the following works for the accommodation of the owners and occupiers of lands adjoining the railway, namely:-
(a) such and so many convenient crossings, bridges, arches, culverts and passages over, under or by the sides of, or leading to or from, the railway as may, in the opinion of the Government, be necessary for the purpose of making good any interruptions caused by the railway to the use of the lands through which the railway is made, and
(b) all necessary arches, tunnels, culverts, drains, water courses or other passages, over or under or by the sides of the railway, of such dimensions as will, in the opinion of the Government, be sufficient at all times to convey water as freely from or to the lands lying near or affected by the railway as before the making of the railway, or as nearly so as may be.
(2) Subject to the other provisions of this Act, the work specified in clauses (a) and (b) of sub-section (1) shall be made during or immediately after the laying out or formation of the railway over the lands traversed thereby and in such manner as to cause as little damage or inconvenience as possible to person interested in the lands or affected by the works.
(3) The foregoing provisions of this section are subject to the following provisos, namely:-
(a) the railway administration shall not be required to make any accommodation works in such a manner as would prevent or obstruct the working or using of the railway, or to make any accommodation works with respect to which the owners and occupiers of the lands have agreed to receive and have been paid compensation in consideration of their not requiring the works to be made;
(b) save as hereinafter in this Chapter provided, the railway administration shall not, except on the requisition of the Government, be compelled to defray the cost of executing any further or additional accommodation works for the use of the owners or occupiers of the lands after the expiration of ten years from the date on which the railway passing through the lands was first opened for public traffic;
(c) where the railway administration has provided suitable accommodation for the crossing of a road or stream, and the road or stream is afterwards diverted by the act or neglect of the person having the control thereof, the administration shall not be compelled to provide other accommodation for the crossing of the road or stream.
(4) The Government may appoint a time for the commencement of any work to be executed under sub-section (1), and if for fourteen days next after that time the railway administration fails to commence the work or, having commenced it, fails to proceed diligently to execute it in a sufficient manner, the Government may execute it and recover from the railway adminisration the cost incurred by it in the execution thereof.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs