Chapter III
Fences, screens, gates and bars
13. The Government may require that, within a time to be specified in the requisition, or within such further time as it may appoint in this behalf,-
(a) boundary-marks or fences be provided or renewed by the railway administration for the railway or any part thereof and for roads constructed in connection therewith;
(b) any works in the nature of a screen near to or adjoining the side of any public road constructed before the making of the railway be provided or renewed by a railway administration for the purpose of preventing danger to passengers on the road by reason of horses or other animals being frightened by the sight or noise of the rolling-stock moving on the railway;
(c) suitable gates, chains, bars, stiles or hand-rails be erected or renewed by the railway administration at places where the railway crosses a public road on the level;
(d) persons be employed by the railway administration to open and shut such gates, chains or bars.
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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs