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The Railways Act, 1890

( ACT NO. IX OF 1890 )

Chapter IV


Power to close an opened railway
23. (1) When, after inspecting any open railway used for the public carriage of passengers, or any rolling-stock used thereon, an Inspector is of opinion that the use of the railway or of any specified rolling-stock will be attended with danger to the public using it, he shall state that opinion, together with the grounds therefor, to the Government; and the Government may thereupon order that the railway be closed for the public carriage of passengers, or that the use of the rolling-stock so specified be discontinued, or that the railway or the rolling-stock so specified be used for the public carriage of passengers on such conditions only as the Government may consider necessary for the safety of the public.
(2) An order under sub-section (1) must set forth the grounds on which it is founded.

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