Police and defence functions of Union Parishads
31. (1) The Government may establish a village police force in such rural areas as may be notified from time to time, and may by rules regulate the appointment, the training and discipline and the terms and conditions of service of the members of such police force.
(2) The village police shall exercise such powers and discharge such duties as are specified in Part II of the First Schedule.
(3) Where the Deputy Commissioner is of the opinion that in any union or a part thereof, special measures are required to secure village defence or public security, he may, by order, require, that all or any of the able-bodied adult male inhabitants of the union or such part thereof shall be liable to patrol duty for such period and in such manner as may be specified in the order.
(4) Where an order is made under sub section (3), the Union Parishad shall exercise such powers and discharge such duties as may be specified in the order.
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