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The Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1983

( Ordinance NO. LV OF 1983 )

Chapter V


Power to the Government to control road transport
52. (1) The Government, having regard to-
(a) the advantages offered to the public, trade and industry by the development of motor transport, and
(b) the desirability of co ordinating road and rail transport, and
(c) the desirability of preventing the deterioration of the road system, and
(d) the desirability of preventing uneconomic competition among motor vehicles,
and after having heard the representatives of the interests affected and having consulted the 1[Authority], may by notification in the
official Gazette,-
(i) prohibit or restrict throughout Bangladesh or in any area or on any route within Bangladesh, subject to such conditions as it may think desirable the conveying of long distance goods traffic generally, or of prescribed classes of goods, by private or public carriers;
(ii) fix maximum or minimum fares or freights for stage carriages, contract carriages and public carriers to be applicable throughout Bangladesh or within any area or on any route within Bangladesh; or
(iii) disallow the use as transport vehicle, any vehicle or class of vehicle manufactured prior to a particular year.
(2) The Government shall permit at such intervals of time as it may fix, the interests affected by any notification issued under sub section (1) to make representations urging the cancellation or variation of the notification on the following grounds, namely:-
(a) that the railways are not giving reasonable facilities or are taking unfair advantage of the action of the Government under this section; or
(b) that conditions have changed since the publication of the notification; or
(c) that the special needs of a particular industry or locality require to be considered afresh.
(3) If the Government, after considering any representation made to it under sub section (2) and having heard the representatives of the interests affected and the 2[Authority], is satisfied that any notification issued under sub section (1) ought to be cancelled or varied, it may cancel the notification or vary it in such manner as it thinks fit.

  • 1
    The word “Authority” was substituted for the words “Transport Authorities concerned” by section 21 of the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 1988 (Act No. XXVII of 1988)
  • 2
    The word “Authority” was substituted for the words “Bangladesh and Regional Transport Authorities” by section 21 of the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Act, 1988 (Act No. XXVII of 1988)
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