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The Motor Vehicles Ordinance, 1983

( Ordinance NO. LV OF 1983 )

Chapter V


Conditions to be attached to public carrier’s permit
68. The Transport Committee shall, in granting the permit under section 67, impose conditions to be specified in the permit that the laden weight and the axle weight of the vehicle shall not exceed a specified maximum and may also impose all or any of the following conditions, namely:-
(a) that goods or any class of goods shall be carried at specified rates;
(b) that specified arrangement shall be made for housing, maintenance and repair of the vehicle and the storage and safe custody of goods carried;
(c) that the holder of the permit shall furnish to the Transport Committee such periodical returns, statistics and other information as the Government may decide from time to time;
(d) that the Transport Committee may, after giving notice of not less than one month,-
(i) vary the condition of an existing permit, and
(ii) attach to such permit further conditions, as it may think fit and necessary;
(e) that the conditions of the permit shall not be departed from save with the approval of the Transport Committee;
(f) any other prescribed conditions appropriate to the service to be provided by the public carrier which the Transport Committee thinks proper to impose in the public interest or with a view to prevent uneconomic competition between the road transport service;
(g) that the vehicle shall be used in connection with any state duty on such rate of hire as the permit relating to the vehicles authorises;
(h) that the vehicle shall not be used without valid tax token or without paying tax or fee that may be levied by any competent authority having jurisdiction over the area; or
(i) any other condition as may be prescribed.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs