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The Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture Ordinance, 1984 (Ordinance)

( Ordinance NO. II OF 1984 )

Functions of the Institute
7. The functions of the Institute shall be to-
(a) undertake research adopting nuclear techniques for the purpose of ensuring a stable and productive agriculture through evolution of new varieties of crops, scientific management of land and water, development of appropriate technology to improve quality and quantity of crops, and development of methods for control of disease and insect and management of pest;
(b) undertake agronomic and soil-plant studies;
(c) carry out demonstration tests or trial-runs of new varieties of crops and their management practices;
(d) publish annual reports relating to the activities of the Institute;
(e) publish agricultural manuals, monograms, bulletins and other literature relating to crop research;
(f) train research and extension officers in the improved technology of crop production;
(g) provide post-graduate research facilities;
(h) organise seminars, symposia and workshops on selected problems relating to agriculture and agricultural research and technology;
(i) undertake research programmes in collaboration with other national and international agencies and organisations;
(j) enter into bilateral agreements with foreign institutions for academic degrees, specialised training, scientific visits and exchange programmes; and
(k) perform such other functions as may be necessary for the purposes of this Ordinance.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs