Minimum wages for agricultural labour
3. (1) The minimum rate of wages for agricultural labour per day shall be 3.27 kilograms of rice or such amount of money as is equal to the price of this quantity of rice in the local market.
(2) The Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, review from time to time the minimum rate of wages fixed under sub-section (1), on the recommendation of the Council of Minimum Wages and Prices for Agricultural Labour constituted under section 4.
(3) The Government may, on review of the minimum rate of wages under sub-section (2), fix different rates of minimum wages for different areas, for different classes of agricultural labourer or different kinds of agricultural labourer.
(4) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, no rate of minimum wages shall be reviewed earlier than three years from the date on which it was fixed, unless special circumstances so require.
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