The Livestock Research Institute Ordinance, 1984

( Ordinance NO. XXVIII OF 1984 )

এই অধ্যাদেশ বাংলাদেশ প্রাণিসম্পদ গবেষণা ইনস্টিটিউট আইন, ২০১৮ (২০১৮ সনের ৫৩ নং আইন) দ্বারা রহিত করা হইয়াছে।
An Ordinance to provide for the establishment of a Livestock Research Institute.

WHEREAS it is expedient to provide for the establishment of a Livestock Research Institute and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto;
NOW, THEREFORE, in pursuance of the proclamation of the 24th March, 1982, and in exercise of all powers enabling him in that behalf, the President is pleased to make and promulgate the following Ordinance:-