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The Khulna City Corporation Ordinance, 1984

( Ordinance NO. LXXII OF 1984 )

Chapter IV


Khulna Paurashava to become the Corporation, etc.
166. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Ordinance or any other law for the time being in force, on the commencement of this Ordinance, the Khulna Paurashava constituted under the Paurashava Ordinance, 1977 (XXVI of 1977), shall be deemed to be the Khulna Municipal Corporation.
(2) Until the Corporation is constituted in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, the Corporation shall consist of an Administrator, a Deputy Administrator and such number of Commissioners as may be appointed by the Government.
(3) The Administrator shall perform the functions of the Mayor and the Deputy Administrator shall assist the Administrator in the performance of his functions.
(4) A person appointed under this section may be removed by the Government at any time without assigning any reason whatsoever.

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