Dismissal of public servants on conviction
3. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force or in any rule, regulation, bye-law, instrument or contract or in any terms and conditions of service, a public servant shall, on his conviction of a criminal offence specified in the Schedule, stand dismissed from service on the date of delivery of the judgment or order convicting him.
(2) The Court convicting of public servant of criminal offence specified in the Schedule shall, if the fact of his being a public servant comes to its knowledge in the course of the trial, inform his employer of his conviction immediately after the delivery of the judgment or order.
(3) If a public servant dismissed under sub-section (1) is acquitted on appeal by a Appellate Court, he shall be re-instated in service, provided he has not already attained the age of superannuation or the post or service concerned has not been abolished.
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