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Bangladesh Bridge Authority Ordinance, 1985

( Ordinance NO. XXXIV OF 1985 )

General power of the Authority
10. (1) Subject to the other provisions of this Ordinance and the rules made thereunder 1[,] the Authority may take such measures and exercise such powers as may be necessary for carrying out the purposes of this Ordinance.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing powers, the Authority may-
(a) cause studies, surveys, experiments and technical researches to be made or contribute towards the cost of any such studies, experiments or technical researches made by any other person at the request of the Authority;
(b) train personnel for the purposes of the 2[any bridge or toll-road];
(c) undertake any work or incur any expenditure within the budget or special allotment of fund for the purposes of the 3[any bridge or toll-road];
(d) place wires, poles, wall brackets, pipes, apparatus and appliances and erect pillars and construct bridge for transmission of electricity, gas, telephonic or telegraphic communications or movement of railways or road transport necessary for the 4[establishment, construction, operation or maintenance of any bridge or toll-road];
(e) seek and obtain advice and assistance for any purpose relating to the 5[any bridge or toll-road] from any local authority or Government agency and such local authority or Government agency shall give advice and assistance sought by the Authority to the best of its ability, knowledge and judgement and the expenditure, if any, involved in such advice or assistance shall be borne by the Authority 6[;
(f) allow, under written agreement or other suitable arrangement, any Government agency or other organisation or person to install, operate and maintain such establishment and facilities on 7[any bridge or toll-road or in any part of the restricted area thereof] as the Authority may consider necessary for public purpose;
(g) charge and collect fees and tolls for the use of 8[any bridge or toll-road or any part of the restricted area thereof] by any Government agency or other organisation or person or any specified class of them;
(h) prohibit, for the purpose of maintenance of 9[any bridge or toll-road or for such other purposes as the Authority may consider necessary, the use of the bridge or toll-road] or any part thereof by all or any class of user for a specified period:
Provided that where the Authority so prohibits, it shall notify all concerned in such manner as it may consider appropriate in the prevailing circumstances.]

  • 1
    The comma (,) was inserted after the word “thereunder” by section 9 of Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Authority (Amendment) Act, 2009 (Act. No. LVI of 2009) (with effect from 18th December, 2007).
  • 2
    The words “any bridge or toll-road” were substituted for the words “multipurpose bridge” by section 6 of the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Authority (Amendment) Act, 1998 (Act No. XXI of 1998).
  • 3
    The words “any bridge or toll-road” were substituted for the words “multipurpose bridge” by section 6 of the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Authority (Amendment) Act, 1998 (Act No. XXI of 1998).
  • 4
    The words and commas “establishment, construction, operation or maintenance of any bridge or toll-road” were substituted for the words and comma “establishment, operation and maintenance of the multipurpose bridge” by section 6 of the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Authority (Amendment) Act, 1998 (Act No. XXI of 1998).
  • 5
    The words “any bridge or toll-road or in any part of the restricted area thereof” were substituted for the words “the multipurpose bridge or within the restricted area” by section 6 of the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Authority (Amendment) Act, 1998 (Act No. XXI of 1998).
  • 6
    The semi-colon (;) was substituted for the full-stop (.) and thereafter clauses (f), (g) and (h) were added by section 6 of the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Authority (Amendment) Act, 1996 (Act No. XII of 1996).
  • 7
    The words “any bridge or toll-road or any part of the restricted area thereof” were substituted for the words “the multipurpose bridge or any part of the restricted area” by section 6 of the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Authority (Amendment) Act, 1998 (Act No. XXI of 1998).
  • 8
    The words “any bridge or toll-road” were substituted for the words “multipurpose bridge” by section 6 of the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Authority (Amendment) Act, 1998 (Act No. XXI of 1998).
  • 9
    The words and comma “any bridge or toll-road or for such other purposes as the Authority may consider necessary, the use of the bridge or toll-road” were substituted for the words and comma “the multipurpose bridge and for such other purposes as the Authority may consider necessary, the use of the bridge” by section 6 of the Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Authority (Amendment) Act, 1998 (Act No. XXI of 1998).
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