Duties of police-officers towards the public and arrested persons
16. It shall be the duty of every police-officer-
(a) to afford every assistance within his power to disabled or helpless persons in the streets, and to take charge of intoxicated persons and of lunatics at large who appear to be dangerous or incapable of taking care of themselves;
(b) to take prompt measures to procure necessary help for any person under arrest or in custody who is wounded or sick, and, while guarding or conducting any such person, to have due regard to his condition;
(c) to arrange for the proper sustenance and shelter of every person who is under arrest or in custody;
(d) in conducting searches, to refrain from needless rudeness and the causing of unnecessary annoyance;
(e) in dealing with women and children, to act with strict regard to decency and with reasonable gentleness;
(f) to use his best endeavours to prevent any loss or damage by fire;
(g) to use his endeavours to avert any accident or danger to the public.