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The Khulna Metropolitan Police Ordinance, 1985

( Ordinance NO. LII OF 1985 )

Chapter V


Power of Police Commissioner to prohibit certain acts for prevention of disorders
29. (1) The Police Commissioner may, whenever and for such time as he considers necessary for the preservation of public peace or safety, by notification publicly promulgated or addressed to individuals, prohibit at any place-
(a) the carrying of arms, swords, spears, guns, knives, sticks or lathis, or any other article, which is capable of being used for causing physical violence;
(b) the carrying of any corrosive substance or explosives;
(c) the carrying, collection and preparation of stones or other missiles or instruments or means of casting or impelling missiles;
(d) the exhibition of persons, corpses, figures or effigies;
(e) the public utterance of cries; singing of songs or playing of music;
(f) the delivery of public harangues, the use of gestures or mimetic representations, and the preparation, exhibition or dissemination of pictures, symbols, placards or any other object or thing which may, in his opinion, offend against decency or morality or undermine the security of the State.
(2) If any person goes armed with any such article or carries any corrosive substance or explosive or missile in contravention of such prohibition, he may be disarmed or the corrosive substance, explosive or missile may be seized from him by any police-officer, and the article, corrosive substance, explosive or missile so seized shall be forfeited to the Government.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs