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The Khulna Metropolitan Police Ordinance, 1985

( Ordinance NO. LII OF 1985 )

Chapter V


Police to provide against disorder, etc., at places of amusement and public meetings
35. (1) For the purpose of preventing serious disorder or breach of the law or manifest an imminent danger to the persons assembled at any place of public amusement or at any assembly or meeting to which the public are invited or which is open to the public, the police-officer of the highest rank present at such place, assembly or meeting may give such directions as to the mode of admission of the public to, and for securing the peaceful and orderly conduct of the proceedings and the maintenance of the public safety at, such place, assembly or meeting as he thinks necessary.
(2) The police shall have free access to every such place, assembly or meeting for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of sub-section (1), and to any direction given thereunder.

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs