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The Chittagong Shahi Jame Masjid Ordinance, 1986

( Ordinance NO. II OF 1986 )

Management and maintenance of the Shahi Jame Masjid and its properties
8. (1) The Foundation shall be responsible for the management, maintenance and development of the Shahi Jame Masjid and its properties.
(2) The assets and properties acquired, or transferred to and vested in the Foundation, under this Ordinance and the income accruing therefrom shall vest in, and be held by, the Foundation for the purposes of the Shahi Jame Masjid.
(3) The Foundation may acquire, hold or dispose of any property for and on behalf of the Shahi Jame Masjid, and may also dispose of, by transfer or otherwise, any asset or property acquired, or transferred to and vested in the Foundation, under this Ordinance, if such disposal is necessary for the purposes or in the interest of the Shahi Jame Masjid.
(4) The Foundation shall maintain separate account in respect of the income and expenditure of the Shahi Jame Masjid.
(5) The Foundation may utilise the income accruing from the assets and properties of the Shahi Jame Masjid for the purpose of management, maintenance and development of Shahi Jame Masjid.
(6) Notwithstanding anything contained in this section, the Foundation may also utilise the assets, properties and income of the Shahi Jame Masjid for the performance of any of its functions under section 11 of the Islamic Foundation Act,1975 (XVІІ of 1975), if, in its opinion, such utilisation will not be prejudicial to the interest of the Shahi Jame Masjid

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs