A.-Description of Offences cognizable by each Court
29B. Jurisdiction in the case of juveniles
29C. Offences not punishable with death
B.-Sentences which may be passed by courts of various Classes
31. Sentences which High Court Division and Sessions Judges may pass
32. Sentences which Magistrates may pass
33. Power of Magistrates to sentence to imprisonment in default of fine
33A. Higher powers of certain Magistrates
B.-Sentences which may be passed by courts of various Classes
35. Sentence in cases of conviction of several offences at one trial Maximum term of punishment
B.-Sentences which may be passed by courts of various Classes
35A. Deduction of imprisonment in cases where convicts may have been in custody
C.-Ordinary and Additional Powers
36. Ordinary powers of Magistrates
37. Additional powers conferrable on Magistrates.
38. Control of District Magistrates investing power
D.-Conferment, Continuance and Cancellation of Powers