A.-Arrest generally
47. Search of place entered by person sought to be arrested
48. Procedure where ingress not obtainable
49. Power to break open doors and windows for purposes of liberation
51. Search of arrested persons
53. Power to seize offensive weapons
B.-Arrest without Warrant
54. When police may arrest without warrant
55. Arrest of vagabonds, habitual robbers, etc.
56. Procedure when police-officer deputes subordinate to arrest without warrant
57. Refusal to give name and residence
58. Pursuit of offenders into other jurisdictions
59. Arrest by private persons and procedure on such arrest
60. Person arrested to be taken before Magistrate or officer in charge of police-station
61. Person arrested not to be detained more than twenty-four hours
62. Police to report apprehensions.
63. Discharge of person apprehended
64. Offence committed in Magistrate's presence
65. Arrest by or in presence of Magistrate.
66. Power, on escape, to pursue and retake
67. Provisions of sections 47, 48 and 49 to apply to arrest under section 66