A.-Place of Inquiry or Trial
177. Ordinary place of inquiry and trial
178. Power to order cases to be tried in different sessions divisions
179. Accused triable in district where act is done or where consequence ensues
180. Place of trial where act is offence by reason of relation to other offence
181. Being a thug or belonging to a gang of dacoits, escape from custody, etc.
Criminal misappropriation and criminal breach of trust
183. Offence committed on a journey
Magistrate's procedure on arrest
186. Power to issue summons or warrant for offence committed beyond local jurisdiction
187. Procedure where warrant issued by subordinate Magistrate
188. Liability for offences committed outside Bangladesh
Political Agents to certify fitness of inquiry into charge
189. Power to direct copies of depositions and exhibits to be received in evidence
B.-Conditions requisite for Initiation of Proceedings
190. Cognizance of offences by Magistrates
191. Transfer [***] on application of accused
192. Transfer of cases by Magistrates
193. Cognizance offences by Courts of Session
195. Prosecution for contempt of lawful authority of public servants
Prosecution for certain offences against public justice
Prosecution for certain offences relating to documents given in evidence
196. Prosecution for offences against the State
196B. Preliminary inquiry in certain cases
196A. Prosecution for certain classes of criminal conspiracy
197. Prosecution of Judges and public servants
Power of Government as to prosecution
198. Prosecution for breach of contract, defamation and offences against marriage
199. Prosecution for adultery or enticing a married woman
199A. Objection by lawful guardian to compliant by person other than person aggrieved
199B. Form of authorization under second proviso to section 198 or 199