337. Tender of pardon to accomplice
338. Power to direct tender of pardon
339. [Trial] of person to whom pardon has been tendered
339A. Procedure in trial of person under section 339
339C. Time for disposal of cases
341. Procedure where accused does not understand proceedings
342. Power to examine the accused
343. No influence to be used to induce disclosures
344. Power to postpone or adjourn proceedings
346. Procedure of [* * *] [Chief Judicial Magistrate] in cases which he cannot dispose of.
347. Procedure when, higher punishment should be inflicted on accused
348. Trial of persons previously convicted of offences against coinage, stamp-law or property
349. Procedure when Magistrate cannot pass sentence sufficiently severe
349A. Conviction on evidence partly recorded by one Sessions Judge, etc., and partly by another
350A. Changes in constitution of Benches
350. Conviction [***] on evidence partly recorded by one Magistrate and partly by another