The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898

( ACT NO. V OF 1898 )

404. Unless otherwise provided, no appeal to lie

405. Appeal from order rejecting application for restoration of attached property

406. Appeal from order requiring security for keeping the peace or for good behaviour

406A. Appeal from order refusing to accept or rejecting a surety

407. Appeal from sentence of Magistrate of the second or third class

408. Appeal from sentence of Joint Sessions Judge and Magistrates of the first class

409. Appeals to Court of Session how heard

410. Appeal from sentence of Court of Session

411. Omitted

411A. Omitted

412. No appeal in certain cases when accused pleads guilty

413. No appeal in petty cases

414. No appeal from certain summary convictions

415. Proviso to sections 413 and 414

415A. Special right of appeal in certain cases

416. Repealed

417. Appeal in case of acquittal

417A. Appeal against inadequacy of sentence

418. Appeals on what matters admissible

419. Petition of appeal

420. Procedure when appellant in jail

421. Summary dismissal of appeal

422. Notice of appeal

423. Powers of Appellate Court in disposing of appeal

424. Judgments of subordinate Appellate Courts

425. Order by High Court Division on appeal to be certified to lower Court

426. Suspension of sentence pending appeal Release of appellant on bail

427. Arrest of accused in appeal from acquittal

428. Appellate Court may take further evidence or direct it to be taken

429. Procedure where Judges of Court of Appeal are equally divided

430. Finality of orders on appeal

431. Abatement of appeals

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Ministry of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs