A.-Security for keeping the Peach on Conviction
106. Security for keeping the peach on conviction
B.-Security for keeping the peach in the Cases and Security for Good Behaviour
107. Security for keeping the peace in other cases
Procedure of Magistrate not empowered to act under sub-section (1)
108. Security for good behaviour from persons disseminating seditious matter
109. Security for good behaviour from vagrants and suspected persons
110. Security for good behaviour from habitual offenders
113. Procedure in respect of person present in Court
114. Summons or warrant in case of person not so present
115. Copy of order under section 112 to accompany summons or warrant
116. Power to dispense with personal attendance
117. Inquiry as to truth of information
119. Discharge of person informed against
C.-Proceedings in all Cases subsequent to Order to furnish Security
120. Commencement of period for which security is required
123. Imprisonment in default of security
Proceedings when to be laid before High Court Division or Court of Sessions
124. Power to release persons imprisoned for failing to give security
125. Power of District Magistrate to cancel any bond for keeping the peach or good behaviour